Things Change
We are well into autumn and its beautiful changing colours. The warmth of summer seems a while ago, but autumn brings its own special days. The world in which we live is a beautiful world, even amidst all the ups and downs we see each day.
But life is more than what we see and enjoy around us, it is about how we live. When God gave us rules for life, he focused on how we should love and obey him and how we should treat each other.
Jesus summarised them in this way - love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and with the same kind of love, love your neighbours (that is, everyone else).
Imagine a world in which we did just that. There would be no poverty, war, famine, or crime, and we would keep the world beautiful.
But Jesus also promised a new world that will be completely different for all those who trust in him. Not only will the world be new, but we will also be new, able to enjoy all that God has given us in ways we can't even begin to imagine now. It will be a world without sadness and pain, and will be empty of all that spoils the world in which we now live.
Do you believe that, or do you think "when you're dead, you're dead"? Jesus was very clear, physical death is not the end. For those saved by Jesus, heaven is their future. For those not saved by Jesus, a lost eternity is their future.
Trust in Jesus and enjoy all that Jesus promises,
Jesus summarised them in this way - love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and with the same kind of love, love your neighbours (that is, everyone else).
Imagine a world in which we did just that. There would be no poverty, war, famine, or crime, and we would keep the world beautiful.
But Jesus also promised a new world that will be completely different for all those who trust in him. Not only will the world be new, but we will also be new, able to enjoy all that God has given us in ways we can't even begin to imagine now. It will be a world without sadness and pain, and will be empty of all that spoils the world in which we now live.
Do you believe that, or do you think "when you're dead, you're dead"? Jesus was very clear, physical death is not the end. For those saved by Jesus, heaven is their future. For those not saved by Jesus, a lost eternity is their future.
Trust in Jesus and enjoy all that Jesus promises,
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away — Revelation Chapter 21 Verse 4 (NIV-UK)
If you would like to find out more, then you would be very welcome at any of our Church services. Alternatively you can listen to or watch previous sermons, or you can contact us for more information.
If that's not for you just now, we would be delighted to send you a free copy of the Bible (if you live in the local area). Please ask using our contact form.
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